Thursday, May 27, 2010
What Is The Best Brand For Ski Boots?
(Published in the elhAlln65 HC03, December 2002)
0. The conference
For those who have chosen writing as a means of communication, conferences are usually a little martyrdom because patience with which we are looking for words or tacking phrases in our writing little or nothing to do with the skill of someone who knows stand before an audience and a microphone for an hour followed, talking nonstop. The superiority of the art of speaking about the writing is absolute because while this is a ghostly activity in which the author moves away and hides in the solitude of pencil and paper, that always offers us the strength proper physical presence . The writing, as well as film, builds upon the trick of working hours, giving the dessert a picture of their authors far beyond their real value. So when the writer must face the challenge of saying things in a direct and real-time, realizes the limitations and passes it really bad (just the opposite of the one who just never had anything to say and they put a microphone in front, "it must be said).
conferences are cures for writer genuine humility, why should accept without question.
Fortunately, to date I have not been "invited" to many of these therapies, and who have done so have almost always been friends. But that is even worse because in this case it happens that the very inconvenience of humiliation there is also the fear of disappointing your hosts.
However, despite the painful throes of the therapeutic session and feeling of guilt fraud causes you to those who put their trust in you calling you to give a talk, it turns out, all out with a good material for phrases and words, and no little energy for writing them again, starting the cycle all over again . With notes and diagrams together and think before the conference, with the crush and sweat of the meeting of this body, and the questions and comments that arise then collect a dossier in any case can not let them perish without put it in writing soon. Contrary to what may seem sensible, lately I have been for writing conferences after giving them: just as, by way of memorandum, and some also go back to how low you have fallen.
I write below the originally titled "Delcoración" and finally "Architecture and crime", held in Palma de Mallorca on October 24, 2002 at the invitation of Professor decoration decorator and Francisco Romero, in the framework of the second edition MODEC the regional fair. Be dedicated to him these lines as gratitude for their trust and as reparation for my oratorical shortcomings.
architecture architecture's voice has worn so that to make sense again or put in place have to rethink everything in origin.
Construction own habitat by man could be seen as a continuity with nests that are birds, rabbit holes or bee hives, a "make" innocent men do not often call dry architecture but construction . However, William Morris, a thinker little suspicious of pulling his sardine Ember (it was not an architect), defined architecture as any changes in the Earth's surface designed to meet your needs, so regardless of union issues, we could understand this definition, "or perhaps with an addendum which explicitly said that it needs to meet the man with the architecture are those of the habitat. That is, the same as the rabbit or the bee.
Architecture is human activity that makes its habitat on the surface of the earth (... and now a little beyond the surface, space stations ...). A habitat that begins with the construction of the nest or home, but given the complexity of man, soon extending to other territories as the connections between the houses, or small tools that make them more livable.
The use of the word architecture can therefore be extended to fields in what is now understood as civil engineering or design objects, and thus begin to feel all our habitat on earth as a continuum smoothly. As habitat is the highway or the airport that arrived in the city of Palma, as the chair where I sit now. All things made by human hands or accommodating changing nature to your room may deserve the name of "architecture" because, among other things there seems to be a more appropriate, and that in all three cases always used the same method think what you will do, "project", before taking it.
And so, the architect, which is the arch tectum etymology, that is, the first mason, one who thinks what is going to do with the land and the land to suit your needs best room, and the same when to build a bridge over the river and giving the tracks to make a table. Since man is a complex and hierarchical organization, its habitat is so, and the construction of it, having to organize themselves in an equally complex, requires a hierarchy in the making begins in the making of the architect. It would seem that the best reason to use the word architecture to the business of building the human habitat is in the shape of a director of the process, the architect. Even in the world of construction of objects where the initial complexity may be lower, with the industrialization process of the figure of a prime architect or architect (who is being called designer) is as or more necessary than in the construction of the bridge or house.
2. The decor
The man's habitat needs of architecture and it starts but the architecture, and that is the heart of this conference is not enough. The architecture is a cause leading to the emergence of new objects in the world, bridges, houses, candle holders, "that relate directly to the living. But the image and likeness of man, the objects that man does always unfold between essence and presence, a being of the thing and the thing being there. A split that can occur in two distinct acts or at two different times, but may also occur simultaneously without this fold disappears.
The split between "being" and a "being-there" (or be) the difference between "ie" and "that's right" seem to have been expressed in words with the following dec diz or later would rise to terms like honor or decoration. And just as that man is "but his" figure "is transformed or adapted according to their actions, depending on the circumstances, depending on who is ahead and so on. etc. in the same way that humans dress for a wedding, is tempered to an authority or lipstick to call the attention of the opposite sex, their presence also takes changing room in terms of which are to be occupied by a baby or for a kitchen, the walls are dressed differently if they are to withstand the rains from the north or if they will give inside the house, its columns adjust their reception decorations to the porch or the rear façade, and so on.
would seem that the accommodation of the circumstances architecture gives it a more ephemeral and circumstantial aspect and in that sense, more closely linked also to the human condition. So it should state that address the aspirations of eternity in which the architecture tends to run (and man), the Shopping comes to remembering it (and him) his finitude. Decorating is, in the most beautiful and profound, humane architecture: the return to man's fleeting time.
And while the architecture is not only everything that is related to the building but also the great public works or small objects, the decor is just a place in all of them. The desolation of major airports, highways, dams or bridges, they tend to soften when I have to spend a great head of state and appear adorned with flags, carpets, vegetation or lanterns. The arrival of Christmas or the holidays is usually also a good opportunity sad to decorate everyday spaces, but in general it should be noted that little attention is paid to the humanization of all the great works that technological progress has to do in the late twentieth century. We may all be because some architects' fundamentalists of being "banned decoration in their manifestos theoretical and wanted to bring to court as if it were a crime. It is time therefore that the new century has begun setting the score once and for all those preachers who argued that architecture itself was already the habitat of man. In contrast to the celebrated title of the article of Adolf Loos in which criminalized ornament, I remember this conference would propose the name of "Architecture and Crime" as owner of what has been the architecture of the twentieth century.
As regards the territory of industrial objects, the decoration appears again as a humanizing activity the same as that seeks rescue of uniformity that are seeking the production chain. The staff upholstered chair, the craft on the door handle as standard, the sticker on the glass, or the initials on the cover are the new traces of humanization with indistinct that new objects are incorporated into human habitat. Footprints that somehow come to replace or restore such other traces of imperfection that artisans left in the pre-industrial objects that now so much appreciated. It is said that the decoration
sometimes it is not decency but concealment, deception and lies. The split between "being" and "present" could be to give some continuity or relationship, but both events occur Puder little or nothing had to do and that this lack of relationship between the self and the present could read as falsity. Of the three types of decoration of the architecture that I learned from professors and Ustarroz Iñiguez, that is, symbolic decoration, the analog and ornamental, the requirement for continuity between the first and second do not always enforceable. For example, the presence of Quranic verses on the spandrels of the Church of Santa Sophia in Constantinople instead of Christian icons not only affects the spatial reading of the place and only alludes to its present worship and property. The shields, banners or logos that mean human habitats in this first type of decoration rarely have to do with the construction and architectural language so the gap between architecture and symbolic decoration is almost a constant. The room in which I give this lecture has been decorated for the occasion with the poster of the show that welcomes us and nobody would say that we are fooling with that architecture the room, but quite the opposite.
Of the three decorations, the architects preferred the decor is certainly as it applies to analog voice or expand not only the fate or circumstance of the room but his own architectural forms: the opening of the door which is reproduced in molding that surrounds it, the groove of the column that echoes their own vertical or laying mortar on a wall that expresses their character sheet. But is this true at all? Do not we know that the wall is a continuous sheet but an aggregate of small pieces that might be more sincere expression mendiante rhythmic texture of a surface ornament? Are they sincere and not misleading the grooves of a Roman column marble which is just outside the shell of a brick columns?
ornamental decoration, the most reviled of all for his apparent disconnection from architecture to decorating, decoration of the Alhambra in Granada or the wallpapers from our room, can you send us, to the annoyance of the architects fundamentalists purity, to the depths of constructive development, that is, the beat and repetition of small parts to be built. Very silly
had to be modern architects of the twentieth century not to notice the difference between a dress and costume, including a makeup or a mask. And very ridiculous are all who take the architectural nudity as a manifestation of the real thing when we all know that human nakedness is one of the most elaborate and expensive presentations.
3.La word
But even with all doing the architecture and the humanizing of the decor is not yet sufficient for their achievements come to be the habitat of man. Hölderlin says in one of the deepest and most beautiful poems ever written on
habitat that has experienced many things
man and has given many celestial
name and since we are Word-in-dialogue
and we can hear each the other is Full
(...) Man merit;
but not by them but by the Poetry
making this land their home. What
explained in prose is to say that, if for things of the world are our home is that poetry should name them, not least the need to have those things that men do with the architecture and decoration . For large concrete constructions or small vases are part of our habitat must first be passed by word, and only when they find the right word or name right, that is, when poetry among them, form part of our dwelling. Hence
the need for criticism in principle is nothing that word and that if given the right word may be called poetry. Soil
have to illustrate this third do in the process of setting up our habitat a very simple human story home My wife gets up in the morning haggard and disheveled, then locks herself in the bathroom for a while and combed out, painted and with a beaming face, returns to the room and dressed in clean clothes and neat, and finally says goodbye to me before leaving for work while I am astonished by the transformation. When asked back at noon if no one has said how beautiful she has gone to work today, and I answered no, that his work is an inhospitable place where you and put what you put anyone ever tell you anything. Since then he's right: no more inhospitable than a place where there is nothing about the beauty of being and the beauty of its presentation.
In the same sense of say about the habitat, Jorge Luis Borges wrote: "How nice to be inhabitants of a city that has been discussed by a great verse" . And so, elms Soria or ride between San Polo and San Saturio Machado sung by the same courts of Buenos Aires or defined by Borges ( "courtyard is the slope down which the sky flows into the house" ) get the quality of being permanently parts of man's habitation.
But the word just and proper times can also cause great harm. Note that when the Emperor Maximilian Joseph opened the Opera House in Vienna, said to dislike the mistake of a really small floor and out of scale to comply with dignity the role of their relationship with the street. The next day one of the two architects who designed the building overwhelmed by the humiliation of the emperor (and its critical success) took his own life. Everything had been arranged if the emperor had seen the plans prior to construction of the building, since both in architecture and decoration should be on projects be discussed and commented on before running.
Criticism is both poetic endeavor to find the right word to name things, but the criticism is also, unfortunately for him, I critical manifest trial that gives life to the objects or the death sentence.
To make poetry criticism and not opinion or view, I recommend avoiding where possible the term "like" and delay everything to the "value judgments." It is not easy, I know, but that's the secret of criticism. Story in my "Manual Criticism of Architecture" is the remarkable difference between the English expression "I like it" and the Latin expression "I like that" because the order is reversed and the subjects while the first is clear that we speak of the self, the latter seems to us to be talking about the thing. In the mixture of languages \u200b\u200bthat we face in this case we should accept the English mode to understand that with that kind of expression do not only criticism of the description of the subject. When we talk about our likes about the things we are describing ourselves without shame, so it should be taken carefully into account. But if the expression of personal taste runs to the gates of criticism, the final trial moves to the other extreme, it once issued, the entire argument is provides the service of trial and not the thing. Having said that one thing is bad or good, the aim then is to justify the trial and not give the names of the thing.
To exercise criticism and poetry, to name the presentation architecture and not a few textbooks have been written throughout history and have set a bunch of words that act as references. Vitruvius gave us utilitas, Firmitas and flower. Alberti turned them into need, and Voluptas Oportunitas. Then came Sicurezza and Commodités, and so on. A laboratory has thrown another handful of names to approach architecture, such as shape, color, light, game volumes, areas, sections, texture, proportion, sign, expression, style, trend, composition, complexity and contradiction, quality without name,. etc. All of them can guide us in the poetic work, that is, in the search for adequate expression to the object you are asking him to speak into our home. The difference between a good critic who makes the world habitable and bad critic who only speaks of himself or judge is very easy to see. Since it is very easy to be the second and quite difficult at first, because it always requires training and discipline. Rarely is anyone and after the movie that just say that you liked or not the movie, and even more inept critic makes his first steps and saying the story was bad but the players did well, not music accompanying the action or that the picture was very impressive. Receives the worst treatment human habitation critical that an entertainment product should be cause for shame.
But Hölderlin's verse speaks not only to give names to things celestial and man-made things to make them our home, but the man who gives names defined as word-in-dialogue. The word of man
naming things is not so fixed and conclusive but, as the man himself, open, ephemeral and changeable. The word that names the architecture and decorative presentation must be themselves the subject of new words in dialogue so that the world is finally habitable. Man's word is as word-in-dialogue, so as to close the cycle, the criticism of criticism is, therefore, make the fourth and final set of activities that build our home.
We said in the previous point that there are many opinions and much trial instead of criticism, but in this fourth point is to say that there is less criticism of criticism. Rarely these days the word critical of arquitctura is answered and placed on your site so I'll finish this talk by mentioning allow what is and what can be done.
The critical language of our time is mediated by the overabundance of information and business needs of the newspaper business and provides an overview clearly bipolar.
On the one hand, the architecture critic, exercised mostly by men in journals of small circulation but very expensive, is expressed in a pseudo-abstract language in which all the saints is usually understood by architects that slowly takes shape for elevation to the altars of a history that remains after, or even could say that almost immediately. History on the heels of criticism and function as both the hunter and his dog getting parts for Art. Luis Fernandez Galiano is in this sense one of the pointers most workers in this country. Clear that given the newspaper business and the major studios is to be expected that not everything is a religion of Art and History service but all that production of proper names and photographs of architecture also conceals a desire for notoriety of the artists and a turnover of favors, invitations, jury awards and commissions. The current architecture critic is not concerned so noventaynueve percent of the things that makes the man but only of that one percent that feeds religions or business history and Art. And so the people has come to confuse architecture with the one percent made by artists and understand that the other noventaynueve percent done by men is not architecture, "which falls clearly in contradiction with the definition given Morris at first. Furthermore
criticism of decoration, carried out mostly by women in trade magazines of wide circulation and low price, expressed in a language of cocktails and flirting, far from leading to the altar to the second to the habitat, cut to nowhere more sinsustancial. The type of publication in which this criticism comes (to call it somehow) to be much more tied to mass consumption the architectural magazines, shows much more boldly the economic and advertising component of much of its contents. And as in the case of sweetened drinks instead of quenching thirst, what they do is lead to keep buying more and more magazines of this type so that I could not understand what the complexion and nature of the human habitat.
avant-garde styles and will take shape through the abstract language of worship and architectural critics, while fashions and trends come and go through the scintillating gossip magazines "delcoración." The first feed the chapters of the books of art history and by the way, ambitions of politicians who want to jump on the bandwagon, and the latter serve as accelerators of the chains of production and consumption.
The need to inhabit the land of dignity and harmony underlies all this verbiage without address and name their circumstances and tasks. And so, the world moves rapidly, with the help of a technical power desvocado, towards desolation, if not destruction. Serve
for the words to make a little more liveable world through the reminder of the definition of architecture, the claim of the nature of decency, consideration poetic criticism, criticism and critique as no, the dialog start their own content and expression.
Juan Diez del Corral
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Nadine Jensen Tennis Tits
unofficial Trials
*** SSPDF Courts and illegal acts provided for
In the Mexican Republic and offal evictions are violations of the individual guarantees, the main crime of counterfeiting and forgery features officers for those purposes by the "legal representatives" of the owners and the owners, the same "authorities."
Money makes minds, the authorities colluded unfair trials leading unofficial in this case is denouncing the injustices that are rendered in the Superior Court of Justice of the Federal District (TSJDF), in collusion with officials of the Ministry of Public Security of the District to Federal (SSPDF).
We witnessed the violation of individual guarantees stipulated maximum charter, in its dogmatic side, specifically Articles 14 and 16, which states that nobody may be disturbed in his property, a trial by the judicial authorities (judge).
On the streets of Independence on the stroke of 7 am were submitted to place "authorities" of the trial 57 of lease real estate, with an alleged eviction order in copy, scores of magazines taken from the road near the courts begin to break locks and remove the belongings of the traders, removed some others disappear, with some items of value, (a river fishing in troubled) to an unknown destination.
is visible that the economy is in tatters and unemployment insurance from the Ministry of Labour where the son of Diaz Ordaz, is not for everyone, traders wondering how we go today, will remain the same the situation of poor; when they realize that all or almost all are the street.
Asking the "authorities" on the order, a total silence, that patrols accompanied by the Secretary of Transportation to intimidate people, when they have to attend in one case are the grenadiers known as "kickers gorillas."
Some of the merchant without deberla not fear it, with lease in hand, complain that these authorities and demanded that everything should be in accordance with the law, under the articles to exposed because they were never located and notified .
Another error or the horrors of illegal activities as shown in the graphs are the gaps that were made without permission of the authority (Cuauhtemoc, INBA, etc.) the alleged owners in the lattice channels of communication to the campus, even when there was still partencias of Some merchants.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Speech About Aniversary Compay
Through I've noticed time of ego and vanity there are artists but not as much as now, the cinema of Mexico took off with many big stars such as Dolores del Rio, Marga Lopez, Emilia Gui, Blanca Estela Pavón, Miroslava, Lilia Prado, Elsa Aguirre, Martha Roth, Ana Luisa Peluffo, Carmen Montejo, Evangelina Elizondo, Silvia Pinal, Carmen Salinas, and María Félix among others, who not only showed the beautiful and talented public humility, but the Lady is always forgave his haughtiness. Today the first thing that comes to the actors is just vanity and ego , but you see what some as a gossip magazine. Alejandra Guzman daughter who you know, always has taken his career with more scandals made as a singer, she has said it is so good in bed until Ricky Martin Boricua you forget that it is Gay, the rocker claims to have had sex with two men at once do me a favor ... The adorable Thalia says, "it hurts those who hurt" remains the "dear old woman besieged by men," do not know exactly to whom it relates and who has nearly 10 years of being out of Mexico and shows married to a millionaire in New York ... Paulina Rubio better known as the "Golden Girl" is another that is always in the whirlwind of scandal now admits it will soon be Mama ... How nice ... From the Trevi not even speak, we all know about his dark past with other girls ... which disque diva Jenny Rivera n or bad singing rancheras and has had a controversy with some actresses and singers, not said of Margarita "La Diosa de la Cumbia" who dared to criticize nothing more and nothing less than a Carmen Salinas called "La Voz del Pueblo" ... The ideal partner Mijares Lucero and has said repeatedly that they have been the verge of divorce and the singer has pulled the drunken, cigar stories ... I could not miss Chabelo "The King of Children" who brings tabloid fried who has a daughter outside marriage are now saying that it recognized but rejects ... Remember the conductive Rebeca de Alba not be saved even though no longer a "Leather" will blame their sexual preference who do you know? ... The Miami Cuban arrived from William Levy is not only vain but exhibitionist because she knows that the girls is like saying the much-loved Carmen Salinas is a chocolate but I believe and sangrona not go away, you are advised fellow artists to take a course action because he can not act ... Pu ede singer Dulce might be right in saying that at his age so buenota They bully who always put their well-turned legs, buttocks and Wow ... Araceli Arambula has been named the perfect Mother ... A Doña Aurora Valley who is a good driver with Origel are those who can not stand the sight of and have shattered her reputation, she says "bottle of sherry, all they say will be reversed "... You or grind the Comicaze Adrián Uribe says he is a very edible cake because it oversteps sexuality and give elderly ladies and wish each corretiza that many ... have reason Murderer Ninel Conde Bombon to say who is Aline Hernandez Sergio Andrade's ex to criticize ... And until next time and remember that you also speak.
What Happens If I Don't Worm My Dog
Changes in the Seminario de Cultura Mexicana
*** Its been very
occasion the president of the Seminary of Mexican Culture and writer Arturo Azuela, was admitted last week to the National Hospital Nutrition, took effect, changes in the Board of the historic institution, created by Jose Vasconcelos and adorned by Frida Kahlo in 1942 and domiciled in Presidente Masaryk 526, Polanco.
In recent years a few times, the seminar is open to Mexican institutions at the highest level, such as El Colegio Nacional, the Mexican Academy of Language, The Academy of Arts and Mexican Academy of History and very soon all this effort should continue in the coming months.
The writer Arturo Azuela, has been seriously ill with kidney problems, varicose veins in the esophagus and a transitional cell tumor in the bladder. Joined 10 days ago the National Institute of Nutrition.
The National Council of the seminar, according to its rules, accepted the request of Arturo Azuela, a license for the next 3 months. Therefore, the economist and lawyer Pablo García Sáinz, became Acting President.
in recent months have entered the seminary, figures from the category of José Emilio Pacheco, Miguel Leon Portilla, Margo Glantz, Leonora Carrington and Silvia Molina.
has expanded its correspondents in several countries of Europe and the United States and Central America. The next August, will out, one of the most important Talks on the Independence and the Revolution in Celaya, Guanajuato. Participate, Miguel Leon Portilla, Alvaro Matute, Eduardo Lopez Moctezuma, Luis Ortiz Macedo, Elisa Vargas-Lugo, Daniel Resendiz and Arturo Azuela.
Within days, Arturo Azuela Nutrition will receive a course of chemotherapy and operations in search of better health.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Vote Of Thanks Birthday Party
Another fading star CARMELITA GONZALEZ
By: Gustavo Suárez Ojeda
Carmelita González one of the few survivors of the golden age of Mexican cinema, died in recent days after a long and painful incurable disease, with almost 60 year career since it was Raul's exclusive production anda better known in the film industry as "The Black charro" assumed in the best sense of the word she had been with the top two gallants Jorge Negrete and Pedro Infante as the young lady in the movie "Two Types of Care" . Carmelita was physically but left for those who always admire a legacy of films from to that beautiful golden era of our film and be "The Fourth Commandment," "Angeles del Arrabal", "El Gallo Giro" series dedicated to fighting Huracan Ramirez, "The Daughters of Mary Morales," Motel "and many more alongside great actors such as were the Soler Andrés, Fernando and Domingo, Manolo Fabregas, Victor Parra, Luis Aguilar, Arturo de Córdova and of course Pedro Infante, also in those years when there was an exchange of cinema in Mexico, with Carmelita European women had the opportunity to travel to Spain where he participated in "La Trinca the Air "in CEA studies in Madrid.
In the 50's as a student in school and Commercial Banking, came one afternoon to visit a beautiful young woman, her visit was to sell between students score as was postulated by Delegació Coyoacán where he lived near his parents and brothers Enrique and Yolanda to be the Queen of the Fiestas de la Primavera, the tickets cost 20 cents, Carmelita, who shocked us by their sympathy and beauty sold many but not far enough to become the queen of these parties introduced by the then ruler of the city Ernesto P. Uruchurtu because he had three other opponents no less beautiful, they were the Taracena Consuelos, and Rios Zertuche Farrera latter buzz was the daughter of a general and connected with high society who gave him the victory, it was not long before Carmelite Trara on the right foot to the movies and his sister Yolanda was the Standing (double) María Elena Marqués actress and obviously had her sister with the producers. If my memory serves me Rosita Arenas, Elsa Aguirre and María Félix was also queen of the holidays in the spring.
A Carmelite visited every Saturday at his home and brought him a gift or flowers, although at the time was the girlfriend of actor Narciso Busquets for my artist friend was my first and my first crush, so began our friendship over more than 50 years that followed his successful career, not only in his films but also in works theater as "Ladies of Disgust" and "Hard Life Easy Woman" and soap operas .... Rest in peace, Carmelita Gonzalez, who was until today a worthy representative and survivor of the golden age of Mexican cinema .... To next and remember that you also speak .. .
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Biggest Boobs In Film Business
Mr. Director General
Dear Friend:
I wanted from Bury the past few days several anomalies by workers of the Civil Registry, the main problem despotism and inefficiency, since from making various s days I have sought a death certificate to process the pension to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), and nobody, absolutely nobody could do market (advice) about it.
First I went to try on my own trying to investigate whether the cemetery where the remains of my wife, to see if he could give any information, I did not get any answers because it is private link that suggested I come to the funeral home where she was veiled, and in the same way at all.
I moved to the headquarters of the Civil Registry to see if someone could help, but I have to say that neither the director of civil registration was in his winery, for more than two hours I was expecting. I suggested these offices to move to the nearest # 14 located across the street from Dr. Casimiro Liceaga 93 in the settlement of the Doctors and found it just as pure negative, only made me pay the search for 50 pesos. As a recurring circle sent me to investigate the cemetery or funeral home, which causes me discomfort at such inefficiency.
In the right place after seeking the assistance was verbally attacked by an employee of this institution apparently the name Carolina "N". After finding the required records, which by the way I asked for money without a receipt, and later for the record certified on two occasions I returned a botched universal formats and illegible hand-made in the bank, I am finding it grotesque and aggressive make us lose time that way, to which I have claimed with decency, and the only thing I have gained new account insults and reprimands.
is clear that these people (public servants) are complex and very large, which are channeled to the people, without thinking about what we went through to get to their offices to arrange a formality.
Hopefully Marcelo Ebrard, consider our request and take action on a matter as delicate as the public service which damages the image of many people who really feel like working. Graciela Rodriguez