ROLE OF THE MAY 2011 NEW STORE OPENS RUBÉN RUBÉN the new store is now a reality. Yesterday afternoon was inaugurated and opened to the public Valdeverdeja. The first day of opening of the gym was quite crowded, with the general view of the visitors as very positive. Reuben, "the new employer" was word of thanks to new customers and clients, pledging to fight to maintain, as far possible, competitive prices for the basket is cheaper for the consumer's pockets. Rubén
expressed particular gratitude to the families and friends to this day clothed in the opening of the new activity.
In this day of inauguration, Reuben, invited guests to a refreshing lemon-water and sweets from his hometown. Sweet, say by the way, were a success and novelty. These candies we have "baptized" between the family, such as pasta of the shoe because of its similarity to the light (white). Several boxes of the candy were sold and many orders were realizados.
Aunque sus clientes irán estando al día de las novedades sobre el establecimiento, a modo de avance, se pretende impulsar, de alguna manera, promociones de ahorro y descuentos que redunden en la mejora del bolsillo de sus clientes/as.
En esta nueva tienda podrán encontrar, desde productos de papelería, informática, artículos de regalo, droguería, bricolaje, juguetes, helados, frutos secos y chuces, agua, refrescos, hasta servicios de fotocopias, fax, escaneado y plastificado de documentos, recargas de móviles, y otros muchos de los que puntualmente pidieran, y van a ir surgiendo. A modo de colaboración con los vecinos del pueblo, se podrán buy postage stamps.
The opening hour of the facility will be from 9.30 to 1.30 for morning, afternoon, depending on winter-summer schedule, from 4.30 to 5 pm until sunset. In this Easter and bank holidays will be special hours, even for lunch.
In this blog we wish all the luck you deserve, this new drive that from Arrabal de Portillo (Valladolid) has come to honestly earn the bread and the friendship of the Verdejo, trying to help in these difficult times, to the euro hold a bit more in the portfolio of clients.