My concerns about the relationship between different types of drawing and architecture project I wrote them a little over three years and can still read Internet: . But what is not told in this long article about academic content, it was my bad relationships with the "computer drawing" since I started with him in the first computers of the eighties. And it is a long history of misunderstanding or lack of love that somehow also influenced him to leave his profession to take refuge in teaching.
After going through that first Spectrum who kept his files on tape and the first green screen Amstrad who discovered a new form of writing, the first PCs already started to offer some programilla drawing that promised much and offered nothing. And when they started to leave the CAD and tried it, I realized we were going to be guinea pigs of the computer drawing at least two decades, paying the hazing with many of those old and expensive pesetas.
in October 1995 as director of the first year I published a short article ELhALL very funny Javier Solozábal which had its best efforts to the CAD-KEY and AUTO-CAD and the shopping of the applications that were developed with a couple of experts for use in architectural firms.
Two years later, and as Dean of COAR was daily bread or talk to Ernesto Alfonso Reiner Samaniego on progress in the field and the commercial promise of one another. Reiner opted for a development called Autocad ARKITOR that made some types of Madrid, and Samaniego ALLPAN environment for Mac (and even I went to Madrid to make a one-week workshop with Arkitor). Reiner then, after a brief stint in art school ended up in the office of Jesus Pascual dedicated exclusively to the combination of the leading programs in the field: Autocad 3D Studio more tinkering with Photoshop, etc.
If I do that I dedicated to the profession I can tell a long story about the flirtation with the computer drawing what will be without liability who have had to pay either forward or even occasional fine (!) by the use of pirated applications?
any case, the "shelter teacher" could not be oblivious to the advances in computer technology and who twice tried to catch up with Autocad and twice abandoned it, and with promises of easy drawing in three dimensions I also did a course in Cinema 4D that left me as it was. As I said in the article above mentioned, is for Autocad draughtsmen and not for creators and their routines are so strange that they forget more quickly you learn. If you're computer all day with them, you better not try. And with the 4D alike. The great problem of learning technical drawing and descriptive geometry, ie the acquisition of a certain spatial vision prior to project continued until yesterday and in the days before computers. And on the opposite side, ie in the wild domain of experts in digital design, I've left an example of the architectural horrors which leads (see, for example Fredy Massad's article: DIGITAL DEGENERATION )
Lo and behold, finally appears in an apprenticeship program simple and very intuitive routine that allows to represent in three dimensions, and above is free: The Google SketchUp ( / .) Insiders say that it takes much time running around (and in fact, now in its sixth edition) but I have been informed of its existence in the spring of 2008 and unlike the "insiders", they have not said anything I do that I have marveled at its performance and its great potential in the teaching of architecture and urban design and interiors.
If during the last ten years I have insisted that students do not pass directly from the AutoCAD drawings without passing by the "parent level" adjustment in pencil, now I fear that among those sketches and that plane array is me will happily brew this new type of computer drawing that allows visualize in three dimensions very easily any sketch, or allows to realize fully the context in which we project.
Learning spatial vision will provide significant upside and technical drawing and descriptive geometry will no longer be the coconuts of our education ... (a few days ago they came to see our school a high school art students with the intention to inform the design studios, and the first thing asked is if our study had much technical drawing, with an affirmative answer were many who said ah well then this is not me ...).
On anything to prove, within a few hours to find out I tried to draw my house in the village and in the two images I have here is part of the result (possible views of this design are endless, of course). And best of all is that, unlike all previous programs I tested, with the sketchup I have the same feeling to know that riding a bike: it is something that is not forgotten.
do not think the simple sketchup can replace Autocad complex and complete the last phase of the project (although in the final drawings may give you more of a shock) but what is clear is that next year I will bring in programming the first year of projects for the rapid acquisition of the domain of representation space for the students and, of course, share here the results.