One of the worst enemies of ecology as a science is that the leftist cursiprogresía has become a cuddly pose cries and slogans advertising absorbed and integrated into our system predator at a speed far superior to what happened to the counterculture of the sixties. EXPO Zaragoza and the damn "sustainability" of all flags will be remembered in infamy as our national landmark in the field. Meanwhile, or rather, the world is about to go en masse to China (on planes that do not pollute, of course) to attend the Olympics and see how much that has been westernized country in the last ten years.
last fifteen I was tempted to go to China and began gathering data, books and press cuttings, but the time or opportunities were passing me and I think today and I'm excited that undertake this adventure.
However, as inertia, still gathering information on this immense and extravagant country that never ceases to amaze me more than anything, I suppose, as a matter scale.
In March this year was here (ElPais, ELMUNDO) something like an invasion of information on Chinese Contemporary Art. In the same way they produce all these more or less useless gadgets that are sold in "All in One Hundred", the Chinese have to paint Zarrías of all kinds and invent a moniker to be saints of the same height as the West. It is seen that in ten years have got what Europe in a hundred. Meanwhile
star architects have gone to China to pick up and repeat what I do here and to our colleague Jesús Pascual came away happy telling (ElhAll n 96) that the architecture is already global and wide is Castilla: "no is that in the Far East are westernized, "wrote our boy scout of architecture, is that we are children of an age marked by the fluidity of knowledge." That knowledge that the fluid was made reminds me of the pure-blooded as they shake the Seseras thee, but anyway, let's leave Pascual quite have these months with the crisis of the promotion was coming.
We are really flowing images, and hence I just sit at home watching them. The photographer Edward Burtynsky justified his spectacular work on China, saying that "we can not account for the scale at which we are moving without going to China" (El País, Babelia, 08/03/2008 page 36), but man, if it makes us the photos for what we're going to go? The photographic work of Burtynsky made it more spectacular if it (or more cursiprogre) with a film entitled "Landscape Transformed" I thought I would find on page / mesdelcinesolidario but I see no, it was just an ad.
I'm glad, because making spectacle of death, environmental disasters, wars or whoring is the vice of left me most section of the left.
Much better to travel, to read reports on the fluidity of knowledge or the spectacular view movies ecological disasters, I think it is going slowly seeing the pictures and more pictures of China with no artistic pretensions, environmental or outreach that brings cheap google earth.
quiet contemplation of the details of each of them is an adventure for me intellectual and seamless experience no knowledge, so I will be putting from time to time in this blog some of them. Like today.
(You can nibble on the photos, as always, to see a little bit bigger)
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