Holotropic Breathwork
psychologist Stanislav Grof, a psychiatrist, psychonaut doctor, writer and cartographer psychedelic experiences of the human mind. All this and a little more than this author.
Born in the heart of Europe, in Prague, he studied medicine at the underground know the psychology of Freud treated. After a time practice in psychoanalysis thought of leaving the profession because of the barrenness of the art ... but at that time fell into his hands a dose of LSD. It was a sample sent from the same Swiss laboratory of Sandoz, where he was Albert Hofmann, and then offered for psychiatric hospitals to investigate its usefulness in treating mental disorders. Grof was offered as a guinea pig, ingesting LSD combined experience with the strobe lights of a kaleidoscope. From that day Grof knew that behind this substance was hiding more than just a play of light and paranoia. LSD allowed to relive traumatic events that had remained hidden in the attic of the mind, in the unconscious. Being able to get them out of oblivion, and experience them again as if it were a present back to a forgotten past, the patient had the opportunity to cross and integrate that experience had left him crippled for life everyday, for relations with others or to himself. And here in the biography, the experiments were extended to the realm of what had been known as Western mystical knowledge of the spiritual flow of the cosmos.
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Grof worked with schizophrenic patients and neurotic, collecting their accounts of their experiences while recording the changes in their vision for the world and about themselves. Although the use of LSD in Prague was allowed between the medical profession, there were certain problems in terms of spiritual experiences patients reported in the session, because at that time Czechoslovakia was under Soviet rule as a dogma that had to censor the existence of the human spirit.
Later he moved to the United States, where he was invited as a resident psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, where he worked with Richard Yensen. In some ways the problems appeared also in the U.S.: in the first lecture he gave in this country about their work explained that some neurotic patients had therapy with LSD in Prague, gradually abandoned their tics to spend an interest in spirituality and the practice of yoga. Given these assertions a neurotic psychiatrist explained his suspicion that he had achieved with such therapy was only passing a patient from another type of neurosis. Anyway, in the U.S.. UU. was difficult to obtain permits to work psychedelics, but in some ways the advantage that they could talk about it, meet many interesting people and publish the occasional book about his studies.
continued working Grof LSD therapy, and most reports compiled from the experiences of his patients, other than their own. By ordering these accounts by type obtained a sort of cartography of the human mind, that is, a collection of different kinds of experiences that, according to him, constituted a map of the human unconscious. From this map came three categories: biographical-type experiences usually forgotten experiences of childhood, "the sequence of death and rebirth, similar to the archaic initiation rites and as an extraordinary Grof parallel with their own biological birth- and mystical merger with the cosmos-from which born the name of Transpersonal Psychology: experiences that go beyond the person's own biography.
Grof's books are basically a presentation of experiences under the influence of LSD-or rather, after opening the doors of perception that provides the substance. In this sense be regarded as his work is most useful as a first introduction to the nature of the psychedelic experience, as this may be so surprising to a Westerner than giving a few names to things can not help believing that he has experienced a series of experiences that can not make sense.
Grof, in addition to emphasizing the phenomenology expanded state of mind, speaks also about the therapeutic use of these substances, the philosophical implications of the universe that draws experience, while a study of the crisis of our present mechanistic world view, yet contradictory and spoilers respect the spirit world.
And not to forget anything, to say that this clever author, the problem facing the world today, in relation to the ecological crisis or violence, is located within the human mind itself, that is, the black holes remain to be explored human consciousness.
In some ways can be considered to Grof, with Ken Wilber is one of the paradigms of Transpersonal Psychology.
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