One way "modern" Being accessible
by Sitara Blasco
Human beings have always used non-ordinary states of consciousness as a way to understand the nature and himself ; as a source to create and access systems cosmological, mythological, philosophical and spiritual.
Aboriginal Many old techniques induce non-ordinary states of consciousness, as the sound technology (percussion, bells, gongs, mantras, etc..) Dance and movement (the whirling dervishes, Tai Chi, Qigong, dance trance, etc..) isolation and sensory deprivation, the different types of fasting, prayer, spiritual practices and meditation, the use of plants and other entheogens and, of course, work with breathing (pranayama, " Breath of Fire "Buddhist, Ketjak Bali, breathing techniques Tantric, etc.).
lifestyle and priorities of today's societies do not facilitate practices that allow access to these non-ordinary states, not cultivated and encouraged to explore the spiritual, transpersonal or expansion of consciousness. Still, the human being feels the call, often in the form of suffering, to make a psychological work and personal meaning and / or a spiritual practice that allows to awaken the awareness. This call often arises, a psychospiritual integration challenge. For many people supposed to attend, in parallel, work processes personal psychological and spiritual practice determined. At the social level, this challenge is reflected in the novel synergies that occur when skilled jobs are proposed, which integrate spiritual practices with advanced psychology. In this global age, coexisting traditional teachings of East and West, attempts to recover ancient traditions (like shamanism), with important contributions of psychology and science.
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As for the psychological field itself is taking place is an inevitable (albeit slow) change in the light of data from quantum physics, systems theory, research on consciousness, neurophysiology, information processing, etc. The object of the present psychology than the traditional biographical account of the individual (what happens to us in life from birth), with which he had been working almost exclusively, and extends the experience beyond the limits of bodily and personal identity. Modern Transpersonal Psychology covers both physical and emotional and intellectual, ancestral and collective dynamics, phylogenetic memory, karmic experiences and archetypal, and opens the way to existential and spiritual dimension.
In this framework of Transpersonal Psychology is the Holotropic Breathwork , which collects and integrates various elements of ancient and indigenous traditions, the Eastern spiritual philosophies and Western depth psychology. Method consists of a "modern" deep self-exploration and experiential psychotherapy based on the healing and transformative power of non-ordinary states of awareness and access to the deeper layers of the psyche. It was developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof in the seventies. It combines breathing, evocative music, focused body work around bioenergy and emotional blocks and integration work.
BRIEF HISTORY OF Holotropic Breathwork.
briefly recount the development of Holotropic Breathwork, which contributes to understand the great impact in the field of consciousness studies and its effectiveness as experiential psychotherapy technique and deep self-exploration.
Stan Grof is a psychiatrist from Czechoslovakia, he studied medicine and psychoanalysis in Prague in the fifties. From the sixties began to conduct clinical studies on the possible therapeutic potential of psychedelics, especially LSD, which were the subject of interest from laboratories pharmaceuticals. The investigation made clear that under the effect of these substances, many people are venturing into "non-ordinary states of consciousness, very similar to states that are described in the ancient mystical traditions and Eastern spiritual philosophies, comparable to those obtained as a result of ancient and indigenous practices that have occurred in all cultures throughout human history.
late sixties Grof is going to live in the United States and there continues to work as chief of psychiatric research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center in Baltimore. At that time, Grof became friends with Abraham Maslow and other important representatives of humanistic psychology and together they form a movement called "transpersonal psychology" focused on the study of consciousness. In the hands of these pioneers was born the Association of Transpersonal Psychology and the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. Throughout his career Grof is associated with prominent figures from various fields of science. During the years living at the Esalen Institute in California remains fascinating and productive relationships. These interactions were the source of inspiration with which he created in 1978, the International Transpersonal Association (ITA), along with Michael Murphy and Richard Price (founder of Esalen Institute). When in the seventies is prohibited the use of psychedelics, Grof continuous research in the field of consciousness and gradually developed a procedure based on breathing, which called Holotropic Breathwork, which can induce non-ordinary states of consciousness and a wide range of healing experiences.
During the eighties, Grof traveled the world conducting workshops and giving talks related to Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness research. In 1987 created its first structured training program in Transpersonal Psychology and Holotropic Breathing. The educational legacy of this work is still leading many countries, through Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) founded by them and currently headed by Tav Sparks, his closest aide. Although some years ago that Grof retired "officially", he continues his research and teaching, primarily as a professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), as founding president and active member of the International Transpersonal Association (ITA) and addressing some of the many professionals who receive invitations worldwide. In Spain, will begin a new cycle of "Holotropic Breathwork Training" in March 2004 with the presence of Stan Grof himself presenting a module called "The Psychology the Future. "
WHAT DOES" Holotropic "?
explain the term is appropriate Holotropic that Grof choose to define their work and states that can induce. With this word and suggested the difference between an awareness hilotrópica (from the Greek hyle "matter" and trepein "move on", indicating a guidance material), in which the subject is regarded as a complete and separate physical identity, taking limits sensory, spatial and temporal consensus, as defined in the material world and consciousness Holotropic (from the Greek holos "whole" and trepein "advance" indicating an orientation to the whole or the whole), in which consciousness experiences a qualitative change in profound and fundamental, which can be unlimited access to aspects of reality without mediation of the senses, and in which alternative conceptions are assumed of linear time and three-dimensional space.
When it comes to considering the capacity of operational functioning of the person, it is important to note that not all altered states of consciousness are adaptive, the term also covers certain forms of pathological conditions which make the profound changes occurring mental of great clinical importance and presented in psychopathology. Grof thus distinguishes a subgroup of non-ordinary states of consciousness adaptive calling holotropic, which are of great interest for their potential therapeutic heuristic that revolve around the plot of human psyche, the nature of reality and spiritual dimensions of existence. According
Grof, holotropic states "... is characterized by a specific transformation of consciousness accompanied by perceptual changes in all sensory areas with intense emotions, often unusual, and with profound changes in thought processes, ... associated with a variety of intense psychosomatic manifestations and forms unconventional behavior. Consciousness is qualitatively changed in a profound and fundamental, but unlike the states of delirium, not severely impaired. Experience the intrusion of other dimensions of existence that can be very strong and even overwhelming. However, at the same time, we tend to stay fully focused and not completely lose touch with everyday reality. On the contrary, we experience simultaneously two very different realities. " may also occur, a change in the daily operations of the intellect that allows access to new and important information for the person on a wide variety of topics.
has developed a body of theory and research is the result of decades of work, more than twenty thousand Holotropic Breathwork sessions and more than four thousand psychedelic therapy sessions. With this broad vision transpersonal and based on their observations, Grof has developed a "map of the domains of non-ordinary states of consciousness", which includes sensory, biographical, perinatal (related to the process of birth) and transpersonal (in sense of identity that extends beyond the individual). Those who are going to mention their contributions known to have exerted significant influence on the current understanding of consciousness:
- describes an extended mapping psyche,
- elaborates the concept of COEX systems (systems of condensed experience) ,
- proposed model Perinatal Matrices,
- create a new architecture of the emotional and psychosomatic disorders and
- offers a new consideration and treatment of what he calls " spiritual emergencies. "
's conception COEX systems (Systems of Condensed Experience) or systems of condensed experience is a product of this research. According to this theory, which coincides with the views of other authors of the psychological literature, memories of emotional and physical experiences are not stored in the psyche as isolated prints, but constellations form a kind of dynamic, complex and specific, evolutionarily stratified (like the layers of an onion). Grof believes that the COEX are "general principles organizers of the human psyche." Each COEX system is characterized by a basic theme itself, which transcends all layers (perinatal, biographical and transpersonal), representing the link between all of them and "... contains the emotionally charged memories from different periods of life united by the common denominator shared the same emotional quality or the same physical sensation. " So that the individual layers containing variations of the basic theme is repeated in appearance at different times of life. COEX systems affect the person's emotional life, and there is a correlation between COEX and events in the outside world. The dynamics of COEX systems are not limited to memories trauma, the intensity of emotional experience and its relevance (positive or negative) is what determines that a memory becomes part of a COEX. The COEX very diverse experiences can be condensed subjects (drowning, claustrophobia, emotional deprivation, abandonment, guilt, peace, ecstasy, etc.)..
Grof makes a model that contains four distinctive experiential patterns associated with the experiences that the fetus has before birth and during the three consecutive stages of biological birth. Proposes four hypothetical dynamic arrays, which called basic perinatal matrices (BPM); each characterized by particular emotions, feelings physical and symbolic visions. The experiences in each of these phases leave traces deep unconscious greatly influence the future life of the individual. Perinatal matrices are complex and have biological, psychological, and spiritual archetypal concrete, this approach is useful to go into the deep experiential work, "... well, besides having their own emotional and psychosomatic content, also function as organizing principles material from other levels of the unconscious. Grof describes them thus:The first basic perinatal matrix (MPBI) that we call "Amniotic Universe," respect to fetal intrauterine experiences prior to the onset of labor.
perinatal The second matrix (MPB II) "Oppression Cosmic or No Exit", belongs to the experiences that occur in the time that contractions begin and has not yet taken place the opening of the cervix.
perinatal The third matrix (BPM III) "Fight for Birth and Death", is related to the intense experience of passing through the birth canal. The fourth matrix
perinatal (MPB IV), finally, has to do with the experience of leaving the body of the mother.
Birth is a complex process, in close connection with life and death, so the perinatal matrices, reinforced by emotionally significant experiences of infancy and childhood (which is organized as COEX), can shape our perception of the world and influence the development of disorders emotional and psychosomatic.
Grof has conducted a thorough review of traditional psychopathology and proposes an architecture
emotional disorders and psychosomatic including transbiográficas possible sources of various psychopathologies. Through the prism of this multidimensional vision of the psyche, recognizes the importance of biographical factors, and significantly links the perinatal and transpersonal levels, opening new and important perspectives on the etiology and therapeutic approach to these disorders. The reader interested in this subject can deepen the vision of Stan Grof Transpersonal Psychology in : Birth, death and transcendence in psychotherapy.
These investigations have also revealed that some tables are diagnosed and treated as psychotic (mental), are better understood from the perspective of opening levels considered as spiritual or profound transformation of personality. Stan and Christina Grof have dedicated themselves to differentiate and understand these states called "emergency spiritual " and support people in their complex evolution, are critical aspects of the experience involving a profound psychological transformation that involves the entire being. These experiences represent a challenge of understanding and integration, both for the person who lives, and those who are near (whether family, friends, doctors, therapists) who are not familiar with these states. With the right support (and appropriately differentiated from other states which does require a pathology), these crises can represent extraordinary physiological changes, emotional and evolution of consciousness.
We have presented schematically how it developed Holotropic Breathwork and the theoretical framework that fits. As to its practical aspect is usually done in group sessions, with the presence of skilled facilitators. No previous experience is necessary to conduct a workshop. For the experiential characteristics of the work there are some contraindications (pregnancy, diseases or serious medical conditions, recent major operations, major psychiatric disorders). The sessions consist of an experiential work that includes breathing, music, focused body work around blockages waste bioenergy and emotional, as well as preparatory and dynamic integration. Unlike what happens in other working methods, the contents of the session is not determined by the facilitator, whose role is to create an atmosphere of trust and security, "facilitate" the experience of helping participants to work on bioenergy blockages or emotional problems that arise, and to encourage integration of the experience.
The nature and course of the sessions vary considerably from person to person, and even the same person from one session to another. Holotropic Breathwork is a call to the contents of the psyche and this content is transformed in a stream of experience, emerging into consciousness of the person breathes. In each participant, the state holotropic acts as a kind of "inner radar" that appeals to their conscience for the contents of the unconscious more emotional, more relevant psychotherapy and can be further processed at that time. The spectrum of experiences during the sessions is very broad and may include statements of profound joy, relive stages of birth, accompanied by intense emotions and sounds of crying, body movements, deep insights, unlock and release of psychosomatic processes, dissolution of determining patterns , transpersonal experiences, states meditative and experiences that facilitate openness, relaxation, confidence, well being and expansion of consciousness.
Holotropic Breathing is a means to explore and expand consciousness, as well as a therapeutic tool for self-knowledge and very valuable, helping to change, integrate and enrich aspects of our lives significantly. It can be a doorway for the human being in on the adventure of cosmic play.
Sitara Blasco (January 2004)
Psychologist. Master of Gestalt psychotherapy. Grof Transpersonal Training Certified Holotropic Breathwork. Exercises as a clinical psychologist in Alicante.
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