Thursday, March 13, 2008

Religious Sayings For A Christening Cake

Holotropic Breathing: Introduction

Human beings have always used non-ordinary states of consciousness as a way to learn about nature and themselves; as a source create and access the systems cosmological, mythological, philosophical and spiritual.

As for psychological field itself is taking place is an inevitable (albeit slow) change in the light of data from quantum physics, systems theory, research on consciousness, neurophysiology, information processing, etc. The object of the present psychology than the traditional biographical account of the individual (what happens to us in life from birth), with which he had been working almost exclusively, and extends the experience beyond the limits of bodily and personal identity. Modern Transpersonal Psychology covers both physical and emotional and intellectual, ancestral and collective dynamics, phylogenetic memory, karmic experiences and archetypal and opens the way to existential and spiritual dimension.

Within this framework of Transpersonal Psychology is the Holotropic Breathwork, gathering and integrating diverse elements of ancient and indigenous traditions, the Eastern spiritual philosophies and Western depth psychology. Method consists of a "modern" deep self-exploration and experiential psychotherapy based on the healing and transformative power of non-ordinary states of awareness and access to the deeper layers of the psyche. It was developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof in the seventies. combines breathing, evocative music, focused body work about bioenergy and emotional blocks and integration work.

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The Holotropic Breath technique developed by Stanislav Grof, a psychiatrist from Czechoslovakia, he studied medicine and psychoanalysis in Prague and made his first inquiries there.

Dr. Grof was chief of psychiatric research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center in Baltimore. At that time, Grof became friends with Abraham Maslow and other important representatives of humanistic psychology and together they form a movement called "Transpersonal Psychology" focused on the study of consciousness.

WHAT DOES "Holotropic"?

With this word and it suggests the difference between consciousness hilotrĂ³pica (from the Greek hyle "matter" and trepein "move on", indicating a guidance material), in which the subject experienced as a complete and separate physical identity, taking limits sensory, spatial and temporal consensus, as defined in the material world and Holotropic consciousness (from the Greek holos "whole" and trepein "move on", indicating an orientation to the whole or the whole), in which consciousness experiences a qualitative change in profound and fundamental, which can be unlimited access to aspects of reality without mediation of the senses, and which are assumed to alternative conceptions of linear time and three-dimensional space.

Grof has developed a body of theory and research is the result of decades of work, has developed a "map of the domains of non-ordinary states of consciousness", which includes sensory experiences biographical, perinatal (related to the process of birth) and transpersonal (in the sense of identity that extends beyond the individual).


usually be done in group sessions, with the presence of skilled facilitators. No previous experience is necessary to conduct a workshop. For the experiential characteristics of the work there are some contraindications (pregnancy, diseases or serious medical conditions, recent major operations, major psychiatric disorders). The sessions consist of an experiential work that includes breathing, music, focused body work around waste bioenergy and emotional blockages, and preparation and integration dynamics. Unlike what happens in other working methods, the contents of the session is not determined by the facilitator, whose role is to create an atmosphere of trust and security, "facilitate" the experience of helping participants to work on bioenergy blockages or emotional problems that arise, and to encourage integration of the experience.

The nature and course of the sessions vary considerably from person to person, and even the same person from one session to another. Holotropic Breathwork is like a call the contents of the psyche and this content is converted into an experience, emerging into consciousness of the person breathes. In each participant, the state holotropic acts as a kind of "inner radar" that appeals to their conscience for the contents of the unconscious more emotional, more relevant psychotherapy and can be further processed at that time. The spectrum of experiences during the sessions is very broad and may include statements of profound joy, relive stages of birth, accompanied by intense emotions and sounds of crying, body movements, deep insights , unlock and release of psychosomatic processes, standard solution conditions, transpersonal experiences, meditative states and experiences that facilitate openness, relaxation, confidence, wellness and consciousness expansion.

Holotropic Breathing is a means to explore and expand consciousness, as well as a therapeutic tool and self invaluable, helping to change, integrate and enrich aspects of our lives significantly. It can be a doorway for the human being in on the adventure of cosmic game.


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