Monday, March 28, 2011

Poem Invitation To Third Birthday


In the last class of public housing built by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla la Mancha in our village, only five were delivered to as many families in the first phase of delivery made in the past year. The other seven homes were pending to be awarded to new applicants. He has spent about a year and, informally, we can say that only one of them is about to be handed over to a new occupant. In this situation, to our knowledge of one's Delegation for Regional Planning and Housing, the remaining six homes have been reclassified to be occupied under a lease and purchase option. To be eligible for such lease is to make the timely registration as seeking housing. Monthly income would go tenants of these houses could be around 200-250 euros.
If you know someone who might be interested in renting one of these homes can inform you to pass by the City and they may indicate the steps


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