You look behind the scenes ...
Actress Patricia Martinez author of "My Love Divorciémonos" wrote this com entanglement edia of which he said exclusively to the Information Broker is one of his favorite why it is so entertaining

***. "His paintings is perfect for us, and we would like to buy some originals soon," he said in his message astrophysicist
Klaus Paxton*** "My painting and I traveled always leaves in the wind. There is no claim on us intellectual, scientific or philosophical one, but: what I feel honored and origin of their message! "He replied gratefully
Mexican artist Ana Maria Longi
Mexican Agency International ( AMI). An "E mail", yesterday broke the routine of the agency that represents the famous Mexican artist Leonardo Nierman, in the United States and her paintings, in which people think to see or discover - ghost ships lost in a sea of \u200b\u200bstars ; birds gathered huge in a secret dimension of the Cosmos, seas of molten lava running impenetrable corners sharply on galactic, solar iridescence magical as violins, and so much more than that -, have also called attention, and powerful way, scientists operators British William Herschel Telescope, which is known, is a magnificent piece of 4.20-meter aperture, located in the Observatory Roque de los Muchachos in La Palma (Canary Islands).
In brief but emotional email, Klaus Paxton Bryant, a scientist linked to the fields
experimental Observatory, friendly signed letter to the Mexican artist Leonardo Nierman, in which you demonstrate is a special predilection and his colleagues for his work in painting and sculpture course of stainless steel, "an incredible way to trap the environment that around, "said Paxton, who explained that" very soon ", enter into proposals to acquire" some original paintings, as they have had to settle with "large color photographs."
communication technology, explains further that the matter the universe is concentrated in huge clusters of stars and gaseous nebulae, galaxies calls. "Knowledge of the stars, says Paxton, comes from the study of radiation they emit, absorb, reflect or broadcast. And so my colleagues and I, the astrophysicist says, we are very surprised that all these colors that we try to give a scientific explanation by studying electromagnetic radiation (radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays, Y) etc., and is a very complicated issue, you manage to stumping and attract them to the canvas, without more help than brushes and colors. It's truly amazing, touching and delicious at once! "noted Klaus Paxton young professional, so simple and tasty.
Al cuestionársele the chance encounter between astronomy and his work, Leonardo Nierman said that he is the first surprise, "because my work, indeed, is the result of that only true freedom that nobody can started while living: The freedom to dream. My painting, that is. Dreams. Travel. Wind. Delivery. Smoothness. Open arms. Peace. Infinite peace. Dreams that in truth, I assure you, far far relate to deeper states of consciousness, related to metaphysics, philosophy, theory quantum, or particle nature concept, high spiritual values \u200b\u200bor something. No. My painting is not that. My painting is a simple leaf in the wind. States lyrical freedom. Reverie. Joie de vivre. Color decoding that may have to do with a deep gratitude to God for everything I have and what I have. For all that has allowed me to know and see. For all the jealousy I feel for myself, for being so extremely happy and fortunate, "said the artist, especially shaken.
" However, he said, I am deeply grateful for the interest shown by this company so special who have taken the trouble to write, through Mr. Paxton, and I like you I have learned from a scientific journal, called something like "The Blue" (The Blue). Well thank you very much, because that little note, encouraged me to check my mail, a means by which, I have been pleasantly surprised, "he said Master Leonardo Nierman, whose tour of exhibitions in the Republic and abroad, continue, apparently incessantly.
In the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics
THE MEXICAN NOVELIST Arturo Azuela received the Medal "VALENTIN GOMEZ FARIAS" 2011.
Mexican Agency International (AMI) .- Doctoral Corps of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics, not only celebrated its 178 anniversary, an institution founded by Don Valentine Gomez Farias, known-nothing less than the Father of the Reformation, April 18, 1833 -; but its members, decided unanimously to grant the important Medal is named after the great reformer, novelist, essayist ,
academic, musician and mathematician, Mexican Doctor Arturo Azuela, who is in turn, the National President of the Seminario de Cultura Mexicana.
should be noted, therefore, that the Magisterium's Academy chaired by Dr. José Armando Estrada Parra, proposed for this year, the award of the medal of the Father of the Reformation and founder emeritus of that Society precisely to Dr. Arturo Azuela, who incidentally, has just published the most important work of his life, "From Xaulín. History Route de Goya "sociological work to become novels, essays and valuable report was worthy of the distinction more important at university in Spain, which is the recognition CUM-LAUDE, and with which, intellectually, further enhances the cultural and historical work done not only in that country but in ours, and for the benefit of all and each of the Mexicans.
also in the solemn ceremony was explained that the SMGE, is the oldest cultural association of America it has acted as President, Leopoldo Rio de la Loza, Manuel Orozco y Berra , Ignacio Ramírez (The Necromancer), José María Iglesias, Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, Pastor Ruoux, Miguel Huerta Maldonado, to name but a few. During his long life, created three medals. The Benito Juarez, which is issued to Mexicans that are relevant in the context of their professional or public officials. The Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, for professionals, teachers, intellectuals and scientists who have written works both nationally and internationally and have contributed to the formation of new generations. However, the highest of the three, Valentín Gómez Farías is given to most brilliant intellectuals whose curriculum unbelievable, the figure makes it appear as highly representative of our national culture.
In this way, and unanimously concluded Dr. Arturo adze that covers more than, the requirements for that purpose, so that in that ceremony and before more than two hundred witnesses, Mr. Batiz July Zamora, President of the National Board of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics conferred on our President of the Seminario de Cultura Mexicana, so essential Presea and a diploma, with great appreciation of those attending this important event.
Thus in his long resume, Doctor of Social Sciences at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, professor, novelist and essayist Dr. Arturo Azuela, studied music, civil engineering, mathematics and history at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. In the same institution a BS and MS in History (both with honors, 1973). He conducted graduate studies at the Universities of Texas (Austin, USA) and Edinburgh (Scotland, UK). At the University of Texas, earned a master's degree in Mathematics (Honours, 1965). In October 2005, the University of Zaragoza was awarded the diploma of Advanced Studies in Sociology (Honours). Eventually he earned a doctorate in social sciences at the University of Zaragoza (Cum Laude outstanding, Spain, 2006.
has held, at UNAM, among others, the positions of director of the Casa del Lago (1978-1979), director of the Journal of the University (1978-1981 ) general director of the Academic Staff (1979), coordinator of the Open University System (1985-1986) and director of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (1986-1990). Professor of Mathematics and History of Science since 1958. He has taught at national and foreign universities (Nuevo Leon, Guanajuato, Puebla, IPN, Iberoamericana, Columbia, Berkeley, Notre Dame, Chicago, Complutense of Madrid and the Sorbonne. It has been a guest professor at the universities of Montpellier, Harvard, Antwerp, and Zaragoza Internacional de Andalucía 2002-2007. President of the Association of Writers in Mexico, INBA literature director, director of the Revista de Bellas Artes, INBA deputy director general and chairman of the International Institute of Ibero-American Literature.
Among his long list of publications
editions, anthologies, history of science, texts of historical essays, scientific and literary novelist appears to hell size , Mexico, 1973; A that José Salomé, Mexico, 1975, Expression of silence, Mexico, 1979; The house of a thousand virgins, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1983; The gift of speech, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1985, the mathematician, Mexico, 1989; The sea of \u200b\u200butopias, Madrid , 1991; Case for Two Violins, Mexico, 1994; Lost and wonders, Mexico, 2002, Alameda de Santa María, Mexico, 2003; History Route de Goya, Zaragoza, 2009. Story: Rivers of Memory, Madrid, 2003. Biography, Prism Mariano Azuela, Mexico, 2003. Agustín Yáñez in literature and in history, Mexico, 2004. Its history is very numerous awards and his most recent publication his chronicle is historical and sociological From Xaulín. History Route de Goya, historical narrative Jovellanos Prize, 2010, Gijón. Since December 13, 2007, is president of the Seminary of Mexican Culture.
Eternal Feminine Issues
you look behind the scenes ...
By: Gustavo Suárez Ojeda
theater Viva Mexico!
Although the film is one of the shows preferred by the public and even more so after the movie "Hell" won nine Ariel awards of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,
theater becomes more force, enough to see the theaters to realize the large number of productions that are high quality and recently took the stage at the theater Insurgentes "Cook" from which the actors Diego Luna and Jose Maria Yazpik say is not a gay story but touches the fibers of any human being and wonder what would you do if you had a child with same-sex sexual preferences? And other works are coming, some already have a long season with hundreds of performances like that of terror that has gone through all the cities across the length and breadth of our Republic "Lady in Black" which has been interpreted 17 years to actress Patricia Perrin, as the gentlemen who make
theater within the theater in this work originated in England have included the actor, producer and director Rafael Perrin, Germain Robles, Alejandro Tomassi and Odysseus Bichir , among others, who claim that the terror an excellent appetizer!, the lady has more than four thousand performances and going for more ... and four years in theaters and hundreds of functions that the public has sung with great singers including Rocío Banquells recently, who continues with "Lies", the musical .... Fred Roland ensures that without so many claims and without the aid of television that apparently does not know why they banned for 18 years representing "And they got the Witches" and 30 being "Pinocchio" .... another that has been immortalized in the theater Jorge Negrete is "Confessions of women aged 30" who have been spearheading nine-headed actresses alternating Lolita Cortes ... we can not fail to mention the production of Rubén Lara began in and continues pulling Polyforum public in the July 11 "Why Men Love Ca ...." which premiered Consuelo Duval, and ended litigation with the producer, but we must be fair and Ingrid Martz Roxana Castellanos, also have done very well .... . the chair of actions that give us Susana Alexander, who first took as a partner for the missing continues Blanquita Norma Sanchez and Lazareno in "aging gracefully" has spent more than three years in theaters, is always a treat, it remember that these three actresses have been honored as best comedy for the Association of Theatre Critics and Journalists, with "Lady Victoria" .... Thelma Dorantes last Sunday celebrated the 700 performances of the play "Men had to be!" Of his responsibility in the small forum of Comedy (FOCUS) the godparents of the unveiling of the plaque were Enrique Pineda director, actor Luis Felipe Tovar and President of the PTCA (me) ... the musical "The Little Shop of Horrors" by Alejandro Medina and Antonio Escobar with David Trillo, Samanta Salgado and David Tort, as awarded by coactuaciones ACPT held next week and want the 400 representations as sponsors of the plate to Ana Luisa Peluffo, and the present writer in the theater Harlequin great honor ... .. Speaking of long periods we can not forget Cesar Bono, going for eight years as "The Caveman" ... .. In his second season mostly female audience continues to attend "The Vagina Monologues" which have spoken of this actresses over 70, community and political OCESA is clear .... Odin Dupeyrón, held six years of "A Living!" In the City Theatre, hopes his new book "Twenty Twenty" with Mauricio Ochman, and hopefully run with the same fate and has also a long season .... while those works are still in theaters others said goodbye as
"The Harpies", "The Chorus Line," "Orgasm", "You are not Normal", "The Bicentennial Comedy", "Rain Men" "La Guera Rodríguez," "I I am my own Wife "," Time Flies ", among others. The important thing is that the billboard has drawn on new productions like "Sin Tetas no hay Paraiso", "Cook", "Nearly People", "No Cure," "Cash", "Do not know if I cut my veins," Five women wearing the same dress "and the children's musical" Aladdin "was whispered that soon was revived" The Judgement of Hidalgo "and the musical cabaretil Aventurera Carmen Salinas, with a new cast of actors .... Live theater in Mexico! .... Until next time remember that you also speak you.
New works in Cutzamala System
The works are built into the system Cutzamala as part of the Modernization Program, you will be viable for 25 years, allowing it to remain among the top ten works of water distribution in the world and 18.2% of the water supply used by the Valley of Mexico, said Jose Luis Luege Tamargo, Director General of the National Water Commission (Conagua).
During a tour of some of the works that integrate the Cutzamala, the holder of Conagua recalled that among the infrastructure built will permit major maintenance work to the system without having to suspend its operation. Thus, the bulk water delivery is made to the State of Mexico and the Federal District does not record decreases.
also highlighted the construction and equipping of module A, which includes foculación, sedimentation and filters in their treatment trains. This will increase the installed capacity in the purification plant of 20 cubic meters per second. Clarified that this does not mean that will increase water delivery to the entities mentioned, it will ensure better operation of water infrastructure.
Other work that the manager of Conagua during the tour was the modernization of the filtration system pl anta The cress-water treatment of America's largest America-and the laying of under drain on existing modules.