Saturday, May 7, 2011

Free Brazilian Butt Burners

May 2011 JAIME

Function May 2011 has passed into history. Despite threatening weather forecasts plenty of water, was not so. From time to time, lest we forget, a chaparroncito y. .... to continue the party. We started on Friday-night dance tent. In one of the breaks, the traditional bingo. The lucky: Vidal (Artcromo). In the Saturday morning, dance by the Pillo. In the afternoon, Mays exposure. The neighborhood pools of a great representation of harvesters, the Square "watchmakers", the shrine of "the bullfighters and their kids-to-the" goodies. " All enlivened by the great charanga "chocolate makers" who, with their music, they dance to the large audience.
At night to dance again, and bingo, this time went to the pocket of Wenceslas (the council). The fireworks were banned, "I think rightly, to save some money in the municipal budget.
Sunday began with a parade by the band-special-Ntro. Padre Jesus Nazareno. Very well directed by friend and collaborator Olegario, displayed their wide range of people on the streets. Then we moved to the parish church where we were pleasantly surprised with the presence of David, priest Verdejo origin (of pelichurros) that, in addition to his experience, he showed great talent as an orator and simple. The church was packed. The band, with music, became more of a thrill. At the end of Mass we find another surprise: a float and several horses expected to accompany the procession. We arrived at the chapel and held the traditional pujas. Upon entering the Virgin to the Hermitage, emotions, many emotions.
And as the weather forecast had been confused, the pilgrimage every year to celebrate in the gardens of the Hermitage, he moved to the town hall square. There we expect a great paella. We got our correspondent plate we ate (at home of Mari-Paz and Pepe) and then again to the plaza. In a great atmosphere of peace and quiet, children's games, conversations, coffee, drinks, beer .......... y. Shop the new Ruben, a long back and forth in search of ice cream and sweets welcome Valladolid. My bunch of friends close the festivities with a high tea at the home of Jose and Rosi.
Finally, my appreciation to the good work that the Association of Civil Protection Volunteers of our people. Do not forget my commitment to devote a lengthy article in this group of volunteers for the great work they do in the acts of people.

Then Function in pictures:


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