Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How To Detect Webcam Windows Live


I get the Program Proposals People's Party for the 2011 municipal elections, under the motto: All for our people, literally says:

Dear Friends
It is time that Let us stories.
As I said in our presentation, my policy is:
of Valdeverdeja and Valdeverdeja!.
So my team and I, we are at your disposal to help both the City and outside it.
personal level I have to tell you (and you already know), that as long as I could I helped with all I ever asked for something, both personally and to the various associations of our people.
Many of you wondering how I can have time to be Mayor of Valdeverdeja while carrying my company.
As the City Council, I have to say you have the time enough to take City Hall. But most important is that there is a bid me excited, ready and willing to work for our people with all their forces and devoting as much time as necessary.
As for my company, as you know, besides my two daughters (who I fully support), work a good administration, good technicians and the rest of the staff that is fantastic. So I can spend my time @ s tod @ s de Valdeverdeja neigh and questions of our people as best they can.
nothing else, put at your disposal for as my home phone and wish to obtain the time I needed.
no more a big hug for everyone. Juan Jose Moreno Bravo

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Valdeverdeja 1.-It has already approved the construction of a small nursing home, 29 beds. Considering that in the future will be small for what we demand our town, is within our mind to build a large residence all its benefits, it also generated employment for many people, enjoying a 24-hour medical, nurses, physiotherapists, nurses qualified / as, etc. 2.-School
crafts workshop focused on restoration. Como: village streets, road maintenance and repairs of the roofs of municipal buildings and anything else you can do for the people and providing them with all the necessary machinery.
3.-Under the heading of services, priority for the bus also drops to the town hall square.
4.-Our radio station is underway now, we Cálida FM. Our intention is to create radio workshops to give more servicios informativos constantes (retransmisión de plenos e información puntual sobre nuestro pueblo y actuaciones).
5.-Instalar megafonía en varios puntos del pueblo, de tal forma que podríamos escuchar con más claridad los pregones y toda la información del momento.
6.-Carteleras informativas en calles, para todas aquellas personas que no se puedan desplazar hasta el ayuntamiento.
7.-Club social en la dehesa boyal. Construir un campo de tiro, ya que el más cercano está en Talavera y nos vendría bien ya que gente del pueblo y los alrededores podrían pasar un buen rato sin necesidad de desplazarse tanto. Constituir una sociedad de coto-social para la práctica de suelta de perdices y faisanes, que nos would provide a good income for our people. 8.-Building
the fitness of the ground, make a moto-cross circuit, and that this would bring good income for the village, and without doubt is one of many proposals to all Verdejo would like.
9.-Thinking of you all are well underway with the installation of a gas station that is worth your time for an oil change, spare wheels and all that is for the vehicle maintenance industry or particular, agreeing to Once the ITV Talavera, so they do not have to move. 10.-Bridge
Extremadura. We have to see how to make a bridge, either with or perhaps Valdelacasa Garvin, to join our people with these and other villages in that area and I am sure we would attract a lot of life and people. 11.-Driving
. Contact any, to thus facilitate all those who choose to take off some of the driving licenses and so not have to travel.
12.-Civil Defence. Strengthen them and even see how to provide a car as I think the work of this team is essential to our security and even for those coming from outside, the outsider. 13.-Plan
agriculture, livestock and industrial sectors, we will be in the hands of those already mentioned, convening meetings and exposing each of its versions, to thereby extract the most possible benefit, and form a large cooperative. 14.-Association
Verdejo and friends. It is setting up a company as widely as possible, so that together with a small monthly fee to collaborate and benefit in bulls tickets and concerts, with free admission for all persons in the Association.
15.-Our team is at full disposal of all those partnerships already established to help in whatever is needed and work together, fostering partnership. 16.-
We would also like to mention that many of the projects that once could not be done, go ahead with the current. Work to be so and will touch all the necessary doors.

work ......... comes first.


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