Monday, October 4, 2010

Does Oats Have Lactose


World Habitat Day on October 4

"As our world becomes predominantly urban, the World Habitat Day provides an annual opportunity to reflect on how we can make our towns and cities better places for everyone. This year's celebration highlights the actions and ... policies that could be taken to improve the welfare of 1,000 million people living in slums and poor housing in the world. "
Message from the Secretary General on World Habitat Day

In its resolution 40/202 of 17 December 1985 the General Assembly United Nations designated the first Monday of October every year as World Habitat Day. In 2010, World Habitat Day is celebrated on 4 octubre.El theme of World Habitat Day this year is "Better City, Better Life" - the same as for the World Exposition in Shanghai, where the UN has a flag.

Today, half of humanity lives in towns and cities, and trends indicate that the figure will increase to two thirds in the two generations próximas.Con the right policies and actions cities can take full advantage the potential for sustainable living, reducing inequalities and disparities, and provide a home for people of all ages and cultures and economic means.

smart cities recognize the importance of good governance, provision of basic urban services for all and the promotion of streets and public spaces where women and children feel safe. They also know that a better city to help alleviate global problems like climate change, promoting the rational use of energy and environmental sustainability.


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