My conscience got to me more weight than the opinion
worldwide. Cicero
Perdónaselo all who
nothing forgives himself.
Do what Confucius
that is what
best be done. Cicero
mouth multiplies friends friendly, language that speaks well multiplied
the affability. Ecclesiastical
Where there is education,
no class distinction. Confucius
All men not
have nothing important to say, speak loudly. Poncela Jardiel
From the sublime to the ridiculous
there is only one step. Napoleon
always work so that your behavior could serve
the principle of a law
universal. Kant
Our character is the result of our conduct. Aristotle
Sometimes, it takes much longer to remove a single defect
to acquire one hundred virtues.
Jean de la Bruyère
Treat your lower and
want to be treated by your superior. Seneca
Gravity is the shield of fools. Montesquieu
please everyone and will not please anyone. Aesop
Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his image
Johann W.
Goethe tries to improve itself is
company usually gives better results than trying to improve
others. Noel
Kindness is the safest form of contempt. Heinrich Böll
Any person, whatever
time of life, can be
your friend or foe, as you drive with the
the sake of our fellow men, are ours. Plato
be nothing to prevent both the
natural as the desire to show it.
If we can formulate the question: Am I or not
responsible for my actions?,
means yes we are. Fyodor Dostoevsky
What makes the knight a knight
is to be measured in speech,
long in giving, eating
honest living,
tender in forgiveness and spirited
in the fight.
Fray Antonio de Guevara
The world is not threatened
by poor people, but for those
allow evil. Albert Einstein
as diseases, are spread
of each other. Francis Bacon
Knowledge and reason speak
ignorance and error
A. Graf
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