Gregorio Villoldo
Musician and poet
Born in Buenos Aires on 16 February 1861 and died in the same one October 14, 1919. Arroyo Villoldo Angel Gregorio
holds the title of "Father of tango, a little exaggerated because there were many circumstances that led to our music. But the gravity was so important in its infancy and development earned him the nickname.

is the great transformer of tanguillos English, couplets, the Havana, making this music are in the Rio de la Plata.
natural artist did not dodge any activity that lets you earn money to live. It says it was a typographer, circus clown and any other necessary that you require.

was also in neighborhoods away from downtown. Character horse waiting at the foot of the cliffs the arrival of a large truck or a trolley to help up the hill or out of the mud. This meant engaging the vehicle with a rope tied to his horse and collaborate in the effort. Feathered
easy wrote verses for carnival parades and numerous poems and prose for famous magazines of the time: "Faces and masks," "Fray Mocho" and "PBT".

In all his work is cunning, and their dialogues were designed in the mouth of the common man and always referred to real situations of the tenancy, the neighborhood and many times love affairs depicting how speak and behave in social stratum of our society.

His wit, his easy verba, he used to mixed with minstrels and to provide low academic performance and sometimes decidedly lewd.
always accompanied by his guitar, harmonica attached, singing storytelling knew that the crowd cheering in the cafes and slums.
for a living reciting verses private recordings made the worst taste.
In 1889 he published a collection of Creole songs, verses belonging to him and were to sing with a guitar.

In 1916 he published other content deeply patriotic songs entitled "Songs popular Argentine" commemorating the centennial of the Declaration of Independence.
was the author of a modern method for learning guitar figure, entitled "Method America" \u200b\u200bto be published by the former House America in 1917.
Along with Alfredo Gobbi and his wife, Flora Rodriguez-parent Chilean director and violinist Alfredo Gobbi, went to France for phonograph records employed by Gath & Chaves, one of the big stores in Argentina at the time. This caused a big boost to our music in Europe and many of those records were also distributed in Buenos Aires.

But your site I took pre-eminence as a composer. An example of his work the tangos "El PorteƱito", "The slip", "The pudding basin", "I'm terrible," "Eternal Song", the latter recorded in 1917 by the Gardel-Razzano duo.
All these issues were widely accepted in the local bands that included in their repertoire.
But most important was undoubtedly "The corn" for its melody and rhythm, would surely be the emblematic tango in the absence of "La Cumparsita." To the extent that it corroborates a story accurately. During the First World War, the Argentine journalist Foppa Livy was in the German front and an official banquet a musician played the piano to entertain him and tried to run the national anthem, but actually played "The corn" he had confused with our country music.
Another fundamental tango is "the brunette", with simple lyrics and made trouble for the composer Enrique Sabol, who in 1906 was fortunate to ship their scores on the Fragata Sarmiento, training ship for cadets of the Navy, and is considered the first tango that was broadcast in Europe.
This singular musician and poet left a very extensive work among which include "El Torito", "Beware of the fifty", "A fixed," "Yunta brava", "The puppy", "Pineral" " the bud " "Wheat clean", "Cycling" and so on.
Another of his works, the milonga "Matufias (or the art of living), is a contribution to the knowledge of our history from a description of impeccable manners, which summarizes the artistic value of this unique creator.
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